New Year resolution: Simplify.
Status: Underway.
Give me a moment to debrief you on the past eight months.
My family has approached a more natural lifestyle -- we've significantly reduced our processed foods, meat and dairy products, upped our fresh produce consumption (organic, when it fits the budget), and I've started making many of my own household cleaners and toiletries with natural ingredients. Every nook and cranny in my house is almost completely organized and purged of uselessness (last space to tackle is the basement *insert BIG fake grin here*). We even did the unforgivable! -- got rid of our TV and DVD player!
All these things have helped my home life feel so much more... simple. Natural. Easy. Happy, even.
Honestly, the one thing I miss the most, the very most, is shampooing my hair. The luxurious lather of thick bubbles foaming on my head and the house-consuming fragrance of it all. Think... Herbal Essence commercial.
But that's it, really!
More recently, I've had a wonderful change in the way I do things around the house. Following the link posted by I read an article called 10 Things That Will Make You Happier at Home. I love all ten points and some I already follow; but there were three that I've newly embraced.
1) Making my bed everyday. I know what you're thinking: What a nasty little thing she's been! Well, sorry to disappoint but, I lost my OCD in this area when I was preggo with #2. I'd make my bed to impress my husband and maybe a guest -- but mostly I'd just close the bedroom door.
2)Bring every room back to "ready". Ingenious. Take a few minutes to return things to their place before leaving the room. Easy peasy -- and what a world of difference it makes! Lastly,
5) If you can't get out of it, get into it. As the article quotes, "The dishes are not going to clean themselves, so you will do it, and you will like it." I think Mary Poppins says it beautifully [note: must be read in a charming English sing-song accent] "In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap, the job's a game. And every task you undertake becomes a piece of cake....!" You get the picture. And you're still singing the song. That's ok, so am I. Go ahead and finish it off, "... in the most delightful way!"
Maybe you are happy-go-lucky: you already make your bed everyday, tidy up after yourself [and your husband, and child(ren)], and you merrily accomplish the mounds of dishes and laundry. I still think you should read the other seven tips.
Now, I've saved the best for last! The most exciting change of the year has had nothing to do with natural, simple, effective, or efficient living.
It has been the change in my heart.
I've chosen to delight myself in the Lord. To turn my constant grumbling into honest thanking. He has filled me with purpose and joy.
And practically? - He has empowered me.
Patience: with the three year old.
Selflessness: with the husband.
Desire: for godliness.
It is a "simple" change of lifestyle. And I'm so glad I'm underway!